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Story about《Gao the future of the world ( Guangdong ) / 高立的未来世界(粤)》
    2008 Year cartoon movie < Gao the future of the world ( Guangdong ) / 高立的未来世界(粤) >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: Western calendar July 2008 , due to excessive scientific development , powerful ultra - magnetic weapon in the war was launched , the Earth's axis bending , a major crustal changes , burst on five continents , land subsidence , in an instant to destroy half the earth ! After 20 years, the residues of the island , has been thought in large changes in the world have only the juvenile of his grandfather Dependence Gao happened to the island beach to save the ability to communicate with animals girl Laura , because Laura the grandfather scientists careerists who he wanted to capture the Rolla its threatening . Killed by the bad guys came to the island Gao 's grandfather , and Zhuozou Rolla , Gao then embarked on a journey to save the roller
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