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Story about《Dao Mei Te Gong Xiong / 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊3D / 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊》
    2017 Year cartoon movie < Dao Mei Te Gong Xiong / 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊3D / 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Tang Shuiyu / Xu Jiaqi / Mo Yang /
    Storyline:With the exploitation of natural resources, the Arctic environment is completely destroyed, leaving only the last polar bear to survive. Human girl Jessica adopted this polar bear, named him bacon. Jessica is a very good security agent. Although the bacon also dream of being a spy, but was clumsy and always gets into trouble and he can only do the cleaning work in the security department. The sudden emergence of the polar bear mysterious organization in the world bomb, claiming revenge for humanity. In order to disarm the bomb threat, the highest decision-making body - the global alliance for human security department sent agents into the polar bear base, but the base of human cause into the failure detector. The global alliance had to be trained as a beacon agents and sent to the polar bear base. Jessica is worried about the safety of bacon, secretly with. Bacon and Jessica met obstacles in polar bear base, but always to a strange combination of circumstances to change danger into safety. Although they eventually made the bomb crisis, bacon was caught. The mysterious organization leader reveals the amazing truth to bacon... While the global alliance is ready to abandon the bacon, launched an all-out attack to the polar bears...
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