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Story about《The Birds / Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds / 鸟 / 群鸟》
    1963 Year Horror movie < The Birds / Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds / 鸟 / 群鸟 >
    Director:Alfred Hitchcock /
    Stars:Tippi Hedren / Suzanne Pleshette / Rod Taylor / Jessica Tandy / Veronica Cartwright / Ethel Griffies / Charles McGraw / Doreen Lang / Ruth McDevitt / Joe Mantell / Malcolm Atterbury / Karl Swenon / Elizabeth Wilson / Lonny Chapman / Doodles Weaver /
    Storyline:Melanie Daniels is the modern rich socialite, part of the jet-set who always gets what she wants. When lawyer Mitch Brenner sees her in a pet shop, he plays something of a practical joke on her, and she decides to return the favor. She drives about an hour north of San Francisco to Bodega Bay, where Mitch spends the weekends with his mother Lydia and younger sister Cathy. Soon after her arrival, however, the birds in the area begin to act strangely. A seagull attacks Melanie as she is crossing the bay in a small boat, and then, Lydia finds her neighbor dead, obviously the victim of a bird attack. Soon, birds in the hundreds and thousands are attacking anyone they find out of door. There is no explanation as to why this might be happening, and as the birds continue their vicious attacks, survival becomes the priority.
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