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Story about《Chuck / 超市特工第二季》
    0 Year European American TV < Chuck / 超市特工第二季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zachary ' / the Levi / Yvonne / Strahovski / by Joshua / Gomez /
    Storyline: " Chuck Chuck " as one of the NBC last year 's most successful drama funny nerd style easy for yourselves a lot of popularity , the play has also attracted a lot of stars to guest . "Chuck Chuck " season 2 , Episode 1 "Chuck Vs . The First Date " , Michael Clarke Duncan, will guest star in the Colt , a very evil spies . This focus on the task of Chuck in order to prevent the Colt get the Cipher ( manufactured Intersect equipment ) , Chuck was also informed that if this task is the successful completion of , then he can no longer dangerous spy life , but restored to the ordinary start a normal life . Do not have to worry about bullets and bombs , Chuck finally the first date and Sarah , his Intersect identity or whether it has a lot of trouble , Casey, and therefore was assigned to a very troublesome task . In the Buy More, Morgan fucks plan to hire a new assistant manager . The ... "Chuck Chuck Season 2 Episode 2 " Chuck Versus the Seduction " Chuck, must be concentrated in this undercover retrieve the password to the black widow , but close to the target , Chuck must Roan there learn the art of temptation . But very unfortunately , Roan is no longer the world's most powerful spy . Meanwhile , Morgan proposed to the Captain the Awesome and Ellie spend a romantic night , Lester also began to learn how to become a new assistant manager . ...
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