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Story about《Do not lie to the second quarter / 别对我说谎第二季》
    2010 Year European American TV < Do not lie to the second quarter / 别对我说谎第二季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:by Tim / Roth / Kelli / Williams / Monica / Raymund /
    Storyline: "Do not lie to me talk about the story is so incredible : your eyes , look at your little tricks, listen to your voice , and you shake hands ... Dr. actor Lightman , will know if you lie, and why lie . Dr. Lightman set up a private sector to use their strength to help detect crime . His colleagues , including Dr. Foster , a distinguished psychologist ; Loker , "Do not lie to me " will not lie therefore suffered the consequences of the chief analysts ; Torres, instinctively others subtle emotional changes have a keen insight , she said that this ability comes from the " pay a lot of boyfriends . " All " human lie detector" under the surveillance of all the lies will be nowhere to hide ...... drama aired two weeks they reached the nation's ratings 20 , 18 - to 49 -year-old crowd in the main viewing the ratings rank 12 harvest countless popularity . In addition , the personal charm of the actor who plays Tim Roth can not be underestimated , covered filled with the grace of the literary middle-aged , he has starred in "Reservoir Dogs" and other films , but the most well known is his play in the "Hulk" special forces corner of Brown Chomsky . Unilateral shrug said you own ... In the play , Dr. Lightman, special abilities " from the subtle changes in a primitive tribal members of the eyebrows over the years , his research shows that people disdain lips slightly higher is talking about does not have any confidence , sip a Minzui that hear do not like the message ... the beginning of the first episode , Dr. Lightman, with an order FBI to feel helpless manufacturing bombing suspects territories . No confessions , no physical evidence , Lightman, and the suspects chatted for a while to capture each other shrugging snuffle a few fleeting subtle expressions after to find out the settlements of the explosives is really surprising facility . ...
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