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Story about《Zipi y Zape y la Isla del Capitán / Zip and Zap and the Captain's Island / 双胞胎历险记2》
    2016 Year Action movie < Zipi y Zape y la Isla del Capitán / Zip and Zap and the Captain's Island / 双胞胎历险记2 >
    Director:Oskar Santos /
    Stars:Elena Anaya / Aidan Cook / Carolina Lapausa / Tom Wilton / Teo Planell / Fermí Reixach / Jorge Bosch / Goizalde Núñez / Máximo Pastor / Toni Gómez / Juan Codina / Iria Castellano / Ana Blanco de Córdova / Trinidad Iglesias /
    Storyline:It's Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their parents intead. To their surprise, the destination is a spectacular remote island. But a terrifying storm rolls in and they're forced to seek shelter at a manion belonging to the eccentric Miss Pam, where children without families enjoy a paradise with no rules. Helped by their new friends, Flecky, Macky and Pippi, the brother discover that their parents' sudden disappearance in the middle of the night is related to the mysterious secret behind the island and its strange inhabitants.
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