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Story about《Quebec men Sook / 魁.男塾》
    2008 Year Action movie < Quebec men Sook / 魁.男塾 >
    Director: /
    Stars:tail width of / hero Sakaki / Sakaguchi extension / According to England /
    Storyline: "male private school " is to inherit the spirit of Bushido, in order to cultivate a real man boarding private school - this year ushered in a group of lively newborn , including civil and military taciturn sword Momotaro , character and tenacity tenacious source times , tiger pill grew up in the mountains , and the cowardice and weakness of the show Maro . The Sau Yoshimaro underworld child , mother to see him no , specially sent him to school honing . The training of male private school is very harsh , instructors are also not show mercy . Sau Maro unbearable escape out, and eventually returned to school , the Momotaro voluntary and with him punished . Through thick and thin of life for the One Health have established a profound friendship . Ida Chen Siyuan male Sook assembled from the group strength of the master composed of Kanto ho learn even scored Sook . The Sook long to stop the melee , the proposed showdown with the scared logic junior homicide " . The so-called " shock logic junior murder " is a centuries-old duel , two teams must each elect three members of the death Competing in three woods . The first fierce avalanche closed off , in a dangerous cave , tiger pill to display their own boxing utmost for Chinese martial arts of the people moonlight . Fierce second " cliff -chou chaos off the source and young swallows cliffs air Deathmatch . Third fierce, " the top foot of mud stacked off in the hot magma pool , only a few protruding rocks can be settled , Momotaro and Hao learn even the length of Ida commence the final battle ... At this point, private school students gathered Momotaro cheer in the prison hospital in Mount Fuji under the temple treasure . The Sau Maro be motivated finally plucked up courage , the petite struggling raised Sook, weighing 300 kilograms flag . Momotaro and Ida Deathmatch will determine the future of the male private school ...
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