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Story about《The next day to reach / 次日到达》
    0 Year Comedy movie < The next day to reach / 次日到达 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Donald France Sen the / Plymouth Duff / Mike Epps /

    a courier company driver mistakenly filled a cocaine parcels sent to the wrong address, which led to a fight between a drug dealer, the intended recipient and the accident to get drugs. Synopsis: Brody and Geshe two unambitious little, but many black, two all day rap constantly noisy endless. Obsessed with fortune, yet the two the and Yiwusuozhang, relying on the relationship between mother barely odd jobs in a company to survive. Want to try to steal a bank, hair pen windfall, but did not have the guts. Therefore, the two, it was only daily prayers God looking forward to the fall in your lap. However, it did not expect that to this day, this pie is really heaven. A careless postman will be the original sent to the parcel next door handed over Brody and Geshe here. The two brothers can not so lofty virtues, but also not trying to maintain the neighborhood harmony relationship, not only to while it will be wrapped in the safety of the appropriation. Opened it, and no small surprise, the original parcel bags are white powder. Identification after the proof of this parcel is the top grade of heroin, on this quality package less can the value of millions. So flying cross a blessing just to let Brody and the Geshe excited to heaven . The brothers quickly side to contact the buyer side of the YY with the rest of your life a happy life. On the other hand, two of the the Yase Si living next door and his girlfriend but has not been to their package. But boss Peter to cell Konan Broken goods, they also refers to looking at for him to do a good job this ticket formal gangs. Shipment out of the blunder, the two let alone joined this hopeless his life estimates can be sure. So they rushed four visits . Then Brodie found his cousin to do drug business, ready to ship. May at this time, Bernardino grid Diène burro side from the courier companies found the shipment whereabouts are angry with the men Shaben over. Can imagine, the next will be a bloody firefight, after the smoke cleared, the survivors will be able to monopolize the value of millions of drug, so alive is the last word!

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