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Story about《Mars Attacks! / 火星人攻击地球》
    1996 Year Comedy movie < Mars Attacks! / 火星人攻击地球 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jack Nicholson / Pierce Brosnan / Annette Bening /
    Storyline: time, the Hubble Space Telescope found that many UFO positive U.S. driving , they are estimated to be from Mars. Scientists, military strategists have thus gathered at the White House, and ultimately the president decided that the news is made public. Sure enough, read the president's televised speech, the public outcry. Based on the data, space science professor come to the Martian's visit is peace and friendship. Similarly, for the worsening of the living environment, the public was also that the Martian is to save the planet. Instrument speculate that the Martian landing in Bahrain, Nevada, so the presidential order a large number of troops to Bahrain lined up to welcome the Martian. Sure enough, a flying saucer wearing a Martian came to Earth, they are small in stature, huge head, look ugly and the only issue is puzzling, "quack" sound. Site translation by machine, it is learned that the Martian does come in peace. The excited crowd was also spot flying a pigeon, unexpectedly Martian suddenly shoot to kill pigeons and unexpectedly shot and killed a U.S. general. Machine translation errors in the original Martian was actually talking about an anti-their "peaceful" means "war". After the slaughter of these "messengers of peace, and sped away. See the residual situation where the television cameras, people are shocked. Anatomy of a Martian, the professor suggested Martian contact and that they will apologize to the Earth. Soon, the Martian Ambassador came to the Congress, suddenly but to take up arms to kill all Members and stole Professor. The world finally wake up to, to know the truth of Martian invasion, the president once again issued a televised speech. Wily Martian dressed as beautiful women, lecherous presidential press secretary really in the design, with "her" into the White House. Soon, the Martian trying to murder the president and his wife, fortunately the president's guards arrived in time only to preserve the lives of the president. Martian prototype revealed angry, actually dispatched a large number of men crazy to attack Earth. Loitering in the White House, they destroy the city, shot and killed innocent people. Helpless, the president can only command the use of nuclear power, but great energy anti-alien absorption. Watched Martian tyranny the world into frustration ... Martian came to the Office of the President, under some questioning of the president's alien shed hypocritical tears, and ultimately cruel to kill the president. Incidentally, the high-frequency music of a rural woman is actually a surprise order broke into the aliens die. Thus, with its Sun with the music in the radio play, and sure enough the aliens have died ... after a nightmarish catastrophe, the earth back to life, people look forward to the beginning of a new life.
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