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Story about《Europe Express / 欧洲特快车》
    1991 Year Story movie < Europe Express / 欧洲特快车 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Mark Barr / Barbara . Su Kewa /
    Storyline: " ride the waves out of the " Danish director Lars . Von Trier famous international film masterpiece , won the Cannes Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and the Higher Technical Committee Award . The actor is back to never set foot in the country after World War II German America by youth Kessler . He was a pacifist and an idealist, a neutral attitude to look at postwar European people . Unexpectedly, uncle arrangements Kessler to be taken in a train conductor, gave him the opportunity to in-depth all over Europe, and to listen to different voices , and thus exposed the false peace slogans and humanitarian . Bosses daughter he fell in love with the railway company one of Nazism 's supporters made ​​him into a dilemma . Director to shoot a dazzling magical realism color , lens use of bold , so that the audience as if to enter the hypnotic state , the strong work of a personal artistic style .
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