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Story about《Wanli Grand Secretary Jang / 万历首辅张居正》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Wanli Grand Secretary Jang / 万历首辅张居正 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Tang Guoqiang / Mei Ting / Feng Yuan Zheng / Wu Gang /

    Jang , Ming Dynasty because of its efforts to reform and shining page in the annals of a legend . He topped the Grand Secretary of the governance Decade: straighten officials , refresh decadent wind ; purge of education , recruited to save the world 's only ; innovation tax , combing financial . Zheng Zhu Ming dynasty will be dumped Xiamen Wanli period of the most prosperous era of the Ming Dynasty . Momentum prominent being to when hot, holy families privileged unparalleled Long buried die from the occasion when the outside criticism , the results of family property to make copy , MG sealed both wins disaster even octogenarian mother , crime and children and grandchildren . His lifetime behind the praise or blame of the poor, shows politically dangerous, and inconstancy of human relationships , so that future generations sighed with regret . Shows the drawing of the panorama of social life before and after the Wanli .

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