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Story about《Like a fool to love / 像傻瓜一样去爱》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < Like a fool to love / 像傻瓜一样去爱 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Han Xue / Zhu Yong Teng / Yang Lele the DVD / duo /
    Storyline: entertainment did not circle "story from a silly, a tendon, a female reporter about this outside the The nickname "Princess" TV female reporter Lin Manyi (decorated with Han Xue) to be expelled from the elite entertainment to help the boss (Zhu Yong Tang decorated), had joined the tabloid Evening "night". Thus, a ridiculous story so commence. However, the trend of the story is eye-popping, full of delight. Can justifiably claim that the appearance of the female one Han Xue is the "image of subversion" , she plays a female reporter Lin Manyi, is very persistent, optimistic personality and good, but often commit "confused", and even a little "two" role. Xue Han said: "Lin Manyi for 38 job ‘ wage Queen ’ , but she will always have confidence as a reporter, she has a belief that ‘ I want to restore the facts, I do not want to cover up, whitewash ’. "Unworldly Lin Manyi silly, but it is precisely this, let her have a hard to come by in good faith and outspoken side. This kind of thing in the play has infected many people, including actor, I believe that will be infected with the audience. "given rise to" alternative relationships "actor in the drama and Han Xue - Entertainment Gang "editor, industry Lawrence Shorey, a classmate on the play by Lu Yi Zhu Yong Tang played. Played by the play Zhu swimming Teng entertainment media person Xiao Lei is one in the industry movers and shakers of the characters , but the appearance of cold of his inner goodness tenderness side, in contact with Lin Manyi's, gradually to be on her absolute sincerity of the infection, at the same time also help Mandy mature gradually. Synopsis Entertainment Building, two entertainment media, 17 floors upstairs Entertainment Gang, "the rich and powerful; basement night Evening stretched. Linman Yi, female college students, has worked in the two media, entertainment, her crush on" help "editor Nicky Shorey, but Shorey ruthless expulsion, forced into the night Evening, its editor Whitewater and Nicky Shorey is a pair of infighting opponent. The one called Fang Xun's star was once the object of pursuit by Shorey and Whitewater, at the moment she returned from Hollywood development, her arrival has touched the hearts of the struggle of these two media. Lin Manyi the enthusiasm, dedication, gradually changed the outlook on life of Nicky Shorey, Shorey resignation also came the night Evening work together to promote the good and the beautiful Lin Manyi, encouraged by the positive news readers put an end to false speculation, to create the harmony of the entertainment business. The Xiao Evening finally overcome Entertainment Gang, "won the Best Media Award. Lin Manyi and Nicky Shorey, Whitewater and square fast emotional experience of the two pairs of lovers has also become a legendary entertainment.
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