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Story about《The Complete Works of lying rivers and lakes / 大话江湖》
    0 Year Chinese TV < The Complete Works of lying rivers and lakes / 大话江湖 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhang Shaohua / He Jingjing / Zhao Liang /
    Storyline: Ming, Dynasty internal and external court continued , martial arts the the cologne town a company called Flying door also increasingly depressed due to the war Flying and two master talk of the town close disciples - thousands of miles of wind and cattle Spring, with live on quiet days do not care. Did not last long, the talk of the town Flying the sworn brothers, leaders of the rebel army Guo Jingming daughter Guo Ying Ying entrusted to the Old Lee Flying care, at the same time talk of the town Flying childhood of no return has been the emperor selected as the concubine of cattle Wanjun also because of the the harem struggle with daughter flourishing and the eunuch Xiao Shunzai refuge to the Flying door. These people with a contrary position under one roof, talk of the town Flying side efforts to resolve the barriers of both sides, one has to protect the no return from the Queen's minions attack cattle Royal witnessed the Old Lee Flying as he has done after all, with the brothers of the past again later. Two decades once Huashan Mountain, Guo Jingming with the court 's summer generals both come to the desire to draw for themselves the effectiveness of martial arts by Huashan Mountain machine, half-way but came to the pirates news of the invasion, the rebel army and court officers and men do abandon hatchet, against foreign enemies, the talk of the town Flying martial arts person of the chief and the identity of the organization to assist the government troops, the court in recognition of its achievements, the Royal Flying door was closed, "the first martial arts door".
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