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Story about《Nie Yuan / 孽缘》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < Nie Yuan / 孽缘 >
    Director: /
    Stars:HuoSiYan / Eiji glory / Lehman / / Wu Qianqian /
    Storyline: "Nie, Yuan, , "mainly about human nature a strong praise of the pure emotion of the story, this story each figure, the most humbling place, that is true. The real humanity, a real struggle, real beauty, real tenacious, true is the most powerful force, is able to let the heart encouraging energy.
    The film starred by young actor HuoSiYan and Li Chen, executive producer and starred in the glory. Boot press conference on August 29, heroine HuoSiYan, to support the audience, fluttering white appearance, temperament, refreshing and pleasant. For the new play, HuoSiYan will show traces down to a minimum, depends on the real meaning and connotation to win.
    From a story point of view, the themes of the play is now the popular inspirational theme, but the story is more rare - a beautiful female students Hayling, called Liu and more expensive villain rape, leaving Hayling indignation, Liu your impressively was actually his best friends Yumei unmarried boyfriend this tenacious girl want to alarm, but her parents do not understand. Hayling brother to revenge Liu and more expensive, accidentally be injured, in jail. Hayling friends, your fiancee Yumei Liu and more, in order to keep future husband, betrayed Hayling Liu expensive to do a perjury. In the most difficult moment, a man named Li preservation, Li Chen, decorated in front of the sea spirit, life and this is a broad minded man, he does not care about Hayling, he ignored all the objections at home, decided to come to the sea ​​The spiritual side of opening her own pure heart, the spiritual heart of the sea ice, she is finally willing to undergo one can understand their own, the warmth of his heart. However, their feelings and fate has not been easy.
    HuoSiYan starred in the play can color, beautiful eyes, a big help: "I ten years ago and he has worked with us this movie depends on the eyes, her eyes are very attractive in the glory. Li Chen, teen idols a several film came out, I personally value his behavior. As for the show, and in the glory is beneficial to the society, so we do. "
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