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Story about《900 serious cases Pupil / 900重案追凶》
    1996 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < 900 serious cases Pupil / 900重案追凶 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jessica / Deric / Lawrence Ng / Feng- ni / Fui /
    Storyline: a suspense cases , the majority of the story slowly evolved , The plot twists . The theme song and the episode are singer by Deric . Zhu Cheng on ( Deric ) investigation for a security company manager . The friend Wang ( Lawrence Ng ) , CID, doing things calm, never act rashly . The duo co-operation , repeatedly breaking the mystery , such as " the blue he asked the killings , " female America refers to the missing murder the sacks charnel case , " the forensic official chamber killings" ... and so on . Open and is has met the lively and pleasant Lin Xi ( Jessica ) and started the pursuit . Open to misunderstanding and Qian separate positive will grasp the chance to win beauty go . The open case of a former lover Song Luo Wen ( Mo Ke ) , want to regain the old joy of the occasion was Timor deliberately teasing open and Qian been involved in Timor wedding poisoning case . Trace the murderers process in Sin positive feelings of difficulties, whether the two Can -eluting suspects ? Sin how to choose between open and positive ?
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