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Story about《The warm autumn / 暖秋》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < The warm autumn / 暖秋 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Min / Diwan Chen / Hao Yang /
    Storyline: woman is, of course fragile, but the mother must be strong.
    The story began in 1980, a small town.
    I, horse heart month, happily looking forward to the return of boyfriend Zhao Jiankang. The reality is so cruel, I have received is absolutely pen letter he sent from the front and semi-photos, but I have not had time to tell him that we have a child. This day and age is no place for an unwed woman, desperate, I chose death. I'm sorry things, I was Fan Imamura saved. My destiny does not therefore change, I was fired by the factory, and expelled from my Fan Imamura.
    Lose a source of income, the reality of the massive pressure on my shoulders, I have learned to be strong , I want to live, but want my children to live healthy. I told the man of the heart: I will raise adult small Marseille.
    Twenty-five years have passed in a blink of an eye, Marseille sweetheart Fan Yutong , but she is actually the daughter of Fan Imamura. This love brought back a feud, from home no peace. Ask yourself, is really just my problem? Slowly a driving force behind the surface, Zhao Han. Why this young girl will hate me is Life?
    My the Zhao Jiankang back, he was able to solve all the mystery. That year, the letter must pen a letter is sent before the combat mission in the battle, the commander in order to cover he gave his life. When he went to the company commander at home to send the relics, but to see the company commander's wife was paralyzed in bed, surrounded by starving baby girl lying. So he made a decision that brought me pain twenty-five years, he wants to use his own life to complete the company commander on the family failed to fulfill its responsibility. Today, the company commander's wife died, has also become the only daughter of Zhao Han, he returned with the ashes. This reason for all the pain to let go, under the auspices of the children's efforts, we have ushered in the late twenty-five years the wedding. But he took the war-torn and deep guilt fell down in my arms. And I was too tired, I really the good sleep.
    Autumn, the warm sun, the ginkgo tree, and I nestled in the sunset is really beautiful
    Min decorated horse heart
    The woman is the moon, I am a bitter moon. Twenty-five years ago love the boyfriend gone, gone through hardships alone the I am the illegitimate son of Marseille,
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