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Story about《Agni / 烈火》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Agni / 烈火 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yu Zhen / Shen Xiao Hai / Liu Wenzhi /
    Storyline: for one to reflect the of Wuhan region behind enemy lines , picture of large - scale war anti-Japanese historical drama due to the shock the first time, featuring the director and male lead and prepare by the attention. In shock since the debut has been seen as "heroic" image on the screen, known as the "hero households "reputation has been firmly established, showing that the heroic image of the earthquake. The" Agni "in shock also continued its usual heroic image, but it is a Fei Qi, and full of" ruffian hero ". In shock played in the "Agni", the "Tao" of the iceberg, and imprisonment to brothers willing to bite the bullet for the beloved woman, in order to defend the motherland, the anti-Japanese actions more sacrifice for justice, not only the extraordinary skill and superb martial arts, it is witty bold, courageous and prudent. Who had expected a Japanese hero is not what we usually imagine the kind of "High," a great hero, but a whole body full of Fei Qi "Black and White". Age and the role of different backgrounds, but before the "Tai Sheng Quebec," in "Xiang-Qing" corner of rather the same purpose, in the earthquake set off a wave of "ruffian hero" craze. In the earthquake will be the accumulation of experiences and ideas in these years, the film "Hero film" melt into this new work, to show the audience the hero of one of the most "s" feature.
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