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Story about《Saint Seiya myth / 圣斗士星矢冥王神话》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < Saint Seiya myth / 圣斗士星矢冥王神话 >
    Director: /
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    "holy war " between repeated Age of Mythology , the goddess Athena Saint Seiya Hades
    This story takes place at the the Seiya their existence before the age of 200 years of the 18th century Italy . Be the era of peace , but it's the East , and even the emergence of new signs of jihad ...
    Japanese descent things impulses with a sense of Pegasus , and gentle and kind like to draw Aaron this is two completely different personalities, they become a harmonious relationship between the friend .
    Pegasus because triggered its own little universe of gold Saint Tonghu seen potential, and he embarked on a road leading to the sanctuary of Saint practice . At this time, his childhood friend , Aaron , because they have a pure mind was Pluto selected as the reincarnation of the container , Aaron leopard change . To know the truth of the Pegasus that is, grief and regret , he decided to be strong , and re- awaken the heart of Aaron . The face of the Hardee's armed forces continue to disrupt the peace in the world , the holy warriors of Athena what will expand what battle ?

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