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Story about《Lottery chase Order / 彩票追击令》
    2002 Year Action movie < Lottery chase Order / 彩票追击令 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gerard Lanvin / Benoit Boer Wald / Jose Garcia / Germaine Hounsou /
    Storyline: an underworld killer in prison , commissioned by the jailer for him every week to buy lottery tickets , lottery results in the fifteen million euros . Happens to be responsible for the jailer wife to buy lottery tickets go along with medical teams to Africa . The killer escaped, escorted the jailer to go to Africa to find a lottery . The triplets Ethiopian police and the killer enemies follow, to . The local black drug dealer groups and the Arab pawnbroker rolled in. Various people , a scene , the last the jailer couple with a lottery slip , the killer is arrested again . The end of the jailer led to a large number of Arab Ninja prison raids , but because the local Arab mercenaries just wholesale not retail , fifteen million euros , not some money left ...
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