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Story about《Western antiques ocean fruit shop / 西洋古董洋果子店》
    2008 Year Comedy movie < Western antiques ocean fruit shop / 西洋古董洋果子店 >
    Director: /
    Stars:of Joo JiHoon / Kim Xu / Liu Yaren / Cui Zhihao / Andy · Gilley / Jin Minshan /

    film about cake shops "the Antique" four The mysterious man's story, showing the rich scenes of antiquity, of the transformation of Western antique shops and quaint furniture, eating utensils and other gorgeous props and enough to bring the sensory stimulation of a variety of pastries. The pretty boys of the model turned actor who will aggressively debut, expected to female viewers spoiled for choice. Once the film by virtue of my life the most beautiful week of attracting three million viewers new work directed by Min Kyu Dong. Four acts suspiciously, each heart with a secret man in charge of the cake shop Antique. It will discuss the hearts and minds of female guests Antique president town He (Joo JiHoon decoration) took over the cake shop business was bad, every day to the closing time of 2:00, the store still remaining to spend a lot of unsold cake, he was determined to a major reform. Town He recruited known as the "genius confectioner" fresh (gold in the ornaments Asahi), the latter addition to the marketer can do the skills of the delicious cake, there is a secret ‘ ’ famous circle - homosexuals, Health and happens still in high school, told the town He confession had a classmate. Eyeing new apprenticeship (Liu Yaren ornaments), its always tangled up in the town He repeatedly "rebuffed" fresh at the start, plus the town He bodyguard swimming (Cui Zhihao decoration) of the trouble, this shop has become more and more lively. Men like to see be able to guess the extent of their delicious and cake? Otherwise, began to die like running a business of Antique four men in the subtle love story began. Suffering from a serious female phobia fresh standing woman in front of more than one minute would tense fear of trembling, shaking, looking for male prey, the apprentice is very handsome in appearance, it actually created the Asian young champion record brutal character of the volatile former boxer, the big man to swim the appearance of strong personality, shy man, the most strange is the manager the town He work is slick decent "goat" look, and his family to attend a number of formal occasions, once convergence into conduct Founder casual family your son! The four men will appear in the wonderful secret, touched, and jokes to the audience.

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