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Story about《Tuxedo / 燕尾服》
    2002 Year Action movie < Tuxedo / 燕尾服 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jackie Chan / Jennifer Love Hewitt · Hewitt /
    Storyline: born taxi driver Jimmy - Don (Jimmy Tong , Jackie Chan , Jackie Chan ) is very clear as the net worth of millions Playboy Clark - Devlin ( Clark, Devlin, Jason - Isaacs, ornaments , Jason Isaacs, ) the driver , he must abide by one rule : do not ever touch Devlin precious tuxedo , but , in an "accident bombings , Devlin is temporarily unconscious and could not move , and Jimmy can not stand the temptation of that mysterious tuxedo , try a bit in their own body , and immediately felt this unusual clothes than small dress cattle , put on Jimmy found that he came to a dangerous world of espionage , and his partner actually inexperienced rookie Lonsdale - Brian (Del Blaine, Jennifer - Love - Hewitt ornaments , Jennifer Love Hewitt ) , even less than his experience . Jimmy became what is not know, ignorant peeing secret agents , dressed like a decent model .
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