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Story about《Courtship anti- Doo star the / 求爱反斗星》
    2009 Year Comedy movie < Courtship anti- Doo star the / 求爱反斗星 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Leslie / Natalis / Sylvia /
    Storyline: flood Jiabao mind . Mai, a cross the surface Mongolia heart fine , and they often back at the fishing world. Day, Hung and Jimmy want to steal electrical appliances in a furniture shop, Jiajia passing came to light, and thus Hong Duijia grudge. Prison, Hung knot woven Xuguan Ren, three prison officials to avoid persecution by the evil Lord in prison, deliberately insulting tall Rui. Few months later, the trio was released from prison, King meal to eat pulled Station, a police station encounter Rong Tsai, the two forged hatred. The original Ka Wing 's sister, Kerry also dress very bright, Hung shines due to wing smashed the car park car, Hung words is extended, the two become friends, Rong help flood the pursuit of Kerry finally won the beauty go.
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