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Story about《Source code / start source / decryption crisis / 源代码 /启动原始码/危机解密》
    2011 Year Horror movie < Source code / start source / decryption crisis / 源代码 /启动原始码/危机解密 >
    Director:Duncan Jones /
    Stars:Jake Gyllenhaal / Michelle Monaghan / Vera Farmiga / Jeffrey Wright / Michael Arden / Cas Anvar / Russell Peter / Brent Skagford / Craig Thomas / Gordon Masten / Susan Bain / Paula Jean Hixson / Lincoln Ward / Kyle Gatehouse / Albert Kwan /

    An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discover he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.
    Colter Steven, a US Army helicopter pilot whose last memory is flying in Afghanistan, wakes up on a commuter train. However, he discover that he has assumed the identity of another man. 8 minutes later, the train explodes and Steven finds himself in some kind of pod. He then talks to someone named Goodwin, who tells him he has to go back and find out who the bomber is. He is sent back to go through the whole thing again and attempts to find who the bomber is but fails. The bomb goes off and Steven finds himself in the pod again. He is sent back another time, yet still cannot find out anything. When he return, he asks what is going on. Goodwin and Rutledge, the scientist in charge, tell him that he is part of a project that can put someone in another peron's conciousness during the last 8 minutes of their life. Steven then asks why he cannot just stop the bomb. He is told that...

    Chicago, a transportation rail car was a bomb attack on the car 100 passengers were killed , and received by the authorities warned that will happen in the next 6 hours separate bombings . Under the clue no one is still in the pilot phase , code-named " source " of the plan is an emergency start . " Source " is a blend of the latest technology of large-scale projects , the effect can make a world simulation in the system to return to the past and into the last eight minutes of life of another person . In order to find the bomber , Colt - Captain Steven ( Jack - played by Gyllenhaal ) to accept this task , and one round-trip between reality and the past . Each time he was only eight minutes in the body of another person to observe the situation before the explosion on the train , hoping to find out any information about the offenders from the clues in order to be able to avoid the tragedy of the next explosion . However, in the process of task execution , Captain Colt - Steven with the female passenger of the car love , and again seeing the pieces of their love of the bombing of the Colt - Captain Steven 'd rather die , he made ​​up determined to change the past , to save the train of the explosion , which has deviated from the original trajectory of the task and beyond the original settings .........

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