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Story about《The souls of fantasy / death row parks / 亡灵幻境/死囚乐园》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < The souls of fantasy / death row parks / 亡灵幻境/死囚乐园 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: Tokyo earthquake in 10 years , the revival of Tokyo for the purpose of construction , tourism and punishment works combination of Japan's only fully privatized punishment Service - the souls of the illusion . 10 years ago , the four high school second year student of Nagano Prefecture established the souls of the illusion , Igarashi pill too has experienced a major earthquake in Tokyo , but the young 's sake , remember not so clear on the matter before the earthquake . He lived so extraordinary every day . This is the place where he had been living . Until the emergence of a red man , the man floating in the air the Igarashi pill too where the students in the class all kill only pill too ...
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