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Story about《Excalibur Dragon / 天龙神剑》
    1987 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Excalibur Dragon / 天龙神剑 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Miu / Qi Meizhen / Lau Ching Wan / Margie / Amy Chan /
    Storyline: < div style = " the background- image : url ( / images/show_n/infor_tu04 jpg) ; line - height : 25px ; padding - left: 10px; padding -right : 10px "> Taoyuan Fort less main , handsome extraordinary , intelligent and talented , but nature undisciplined and uninhibited, Centerless weapons . After the Big Brother Dragon wins , Lane caused families to an unfortunate incident , and thus consciousness before non , devote themselves to weapons . Frequently adventures, Qiu was quoted . And become a generation of Wu Xueqi only . Dragon Sword is a creation of the martial arts drama series made ​​by the three separate stories . Miu played the capacity of sub- cloud , Taoyuan Fort less main actor of the three stories . The three - story heroine is the less baozhu cousin Zhu Ge Xiaojing ( Margie Tsang ornaments ) , devil women Yan Jiao ( Qi Meizhen ornaments), hands Yan slave Qisha Santo ( Amy Chan ), strong life Samten Castel decorated . Taoyuan baozhu pass its sub- capacity sub- cloud , less main undisciplined and uninhibited , unintentional martial arts . Apprentice Dragon , baozhu practicing devil cooperation with the red , kill master to win baozhu bit . Less main tragic family change , consciousness of the former non- so hard-working weapons , reported Fu Chou has become a generation of martial arts disciple . Credit goes to his cousin to help less main , escape , and excel at the Dragon -type 10 Tianlong Excalibur Dragon removed , but the cousin already sacrificed . Less main regain Taoyuan Fort , the head of the four faction sudden unexplained disappearances , the sub- cloud with his disciples and friends Shangguan less white join forces to trace, to get to know the devil daughter of two fall in love . Later find out the culprit is the day Johnson the father of Yan smile in sub- cloud day Johnson severing less white and self-sacrifice , the sub- cloud people from harm , but the Dragon Sword was damage , interrupt become two parts . Qisha Santo know that the sword has been broken , and the opportunity to rebellion . Of sub- cloud Yan slaves , and Gongsun Lengao , help, find was stone Taoist complement training sword , the Qisha Santo eradication , peace and harmony !

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