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Story about《Ten Vengeance / 十大奇冤》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Ten Vengeance / 十大奇冤 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Dicky / the Jing / Meng Yao / Wang Lan / Lu a /

    mid-Ming Dynasty physician Li Heling and Kim Yi Wei Yang proud of life and death AC , Young proud to fall in love with Li Heling fiancee Colorful, this frame to put the blame the Heling rape Hui Fei . Save Li Heling , Seduction to marry Young proud . He Seduction marry Young proud , incognito to the the Shanxi original position County opened a medical clinic , claiming to be a "golden beard . Twelve years later , Heling check the case of his disciples Xu wind sister , who accidentally helped the new magistrate twin brother Liu Fuxing busy . Fuxing due to hit the big time was summoned to Beijing , they asked the beard to go on . Beijing due to a major Heling again face Young proud , Young proud and certainly Liu Fuxing behind the "golden beard" is Li Heling , again framed in the murder of the investigation of a wealthy , golden beard and Fuxing together again to find the perpetrators is the men Fantai of the Young proud mistress , Fantai for the sake of atonement, to say the plot of Young proud when framed Heling . Gold beard to Beijing for their own vindication , and the lucky star teamed up with has become a " given the country great general , " Young proud launched a struggle , Young proud soldier dead weight to blackmail the emperor . For the sake of gold beard , Seduction of dollars for to take the million troops of the Young proud , Young proud huff Seduction killed . Gold beard to find Young proud of two World War II . Gold beard lilies to find his Achilles Heel , and he put to death, and vindication of their own injustice . ... Li Heling declined in the palace when the chief physician , lucky star to give up the opportunity to marry the Princess of Li Heling , Liu Fuxing , Xu wind , pepper together again Swordsman .......

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