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Story about《Armored vehicles / 装甲车》
    2009 Year Action movie < Armored vehicles / 装甲车 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Matt Dillon the / Laurence Fishburne / Jean Reno /

    story of the hero is a group of security guard company's staff, they decided to risk and engage in a robbery, the object is its own company. Originally a few people to plan very well, they just want to get rich, do not want to hurt

    harm others. But when an unexpected witness involved, things start to get complicated ...

    saying goes like-minded

    , Hackett (Columbus · Sauter ornaments ), Bai Nisi (Laurence Fishburne decoration), Dubi Si (Skeeter · Ulrich ornaments), Pan Meier (A Moree Nolasco decoration) a few people are

    worked at a security company, their age , interest is similar, but they are facing a serious problem, that is: money. Their job is driving a heavily armed armored vehicles is responsible for a day

    escort tens of millions in cash, since money around, several people can not help but start to move from a crooked brains. Get a work of Hackett is not very happy, however, under the coercion of others, he eventually reluctantly

    joined the program, their goal is: 42 million cash robbery own escort.

    old friends at the same time help the expert in this area Quinn (Jean Reno ornaments), things went fairly smoothly. However, the day of the implementation plan, all the things in the plan is suddenly interrupted by an unexpected thing: actually

    then was informed that their entire robbery plan. Who is this man, does he know how much? He inadvertently learned, or was pocketed while deliberately arrange? The Brotherhood, seemingly impregnable

    for this accident began to crack ...

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