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Story about《Wang Gui and Anna / My golden era / 王贵与安娜/我的金婚时代》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Wang Gui and Anna / My golden era / 王贵与安娜/我的金婚时代 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lin Yongjian / Haiqing / Bo containing / Liu Qi / Linyuan /

    What is happiness? Happiness is a cumulative, a precipitate, is the accumulation of a past life. Happiness is a feeling that you noticed that the hair-thin tiny eyes, you ignore unintentional fault, flat life is like a stage play mentality, such as tea only slowly adapt from the strong to the easy-going by stimulate casual wisp of sweet, you will feel happy. ...
    Anna was born in Shanghai, one of the big cities in the 1970s, the account is sometimes a status symbol. Gui was born in the country, the same in those days, this account will become Gui status symbol. Gui was introduced and Anna met and started the pursuit, at that time, Anna Gui attitude not only do not like so simple, there is a contempt from the bones. Anna hesitated between the first love object is Bo and he was not optimistic about the pursuit Gui.
    A dark horse in the pursuit of war as an honest university teacher, Gui seems destined to be in this I do not know the opponent's play. His simple and honest simplicity of the quality of the future wife's mother behind. Anna Ma Gui as a son-in-law, and even subsidizing dowry to Gui Gui to charge the good people. Anna so be coaxed with the forcible Gui lightning were married. Although Anna heart full of perverting with reluctance, but secretly reconcile Anna mother, Anna and Gui had played flat light days. ...
    Life after marriage there is a contradiction, but in the Gui inclusive and tolerant, contradictions, 11 be resolved, the feelings of the two slowly deepened.
    Soon, Anna was pregnant. Daughter Ann was born after the the Gui mother to town to take care of Ann. Habits, as well as child support, mother-and daughter naturally leads to contradictions. Anna and Wang Guigang the beginning of normal life is disrupted, or even a divorce crisis between the two. Gui's apology and commitment to no longer allow the mother to the city through the crisis. Since then, Anna college to destroy a second child, whether to allow Ann to go to kindergarten, more than two sub-son was seriously ill Gui to discuss the endless chores of life on the one hundred meters, and Gui have possession of their own money two emerging conflicts, and the days passed.
    As time goes on, Anna inadvertently find yourself Gui from aversion gradually give birth to a lot of love and affection. Otherwise dull life adds a lot of warmth.
    Gui where the university is new to a female student teachers - Xiao Guifang. Out of concern for the new comrades, both in work and life, good Gui give Xiao Guifang a great help. Xiao Guifang respect and gratitude I Gui beyond the feelings of gay relationships. Has been less Anna highly of Wang Gui, was Xiao Guifang gentle and caring touched.
    Just Anna due to work out to participate in a two-month training course. Anna was not at home the day, Xiao Guifang often to Gui home to engage in health, to accompany the child. Anna home, the cleanliness of the home and two children sensible surprised. Gui changes, Anna has a bad premonition.
    Anna feared finally happened. She saw Wang Gui and Xiao Guifang hand in hand walking down the road. Anna attitude after the unexpected calm, no rap no noise, Gui face of Anna heart full of guilt. Order to save the home, in order to forgive Anna Gui trying to be at home to curry favor with Anna, in schools everywhere to avoid Xiao Guifang. And exchange their own work. A result, Xiao Guifang sense of study abroad, a life of Wang Gui and Anna again to restore calm.
    Anna first love Bo back the news has made waves in the heart Anna. A class reunion, they began to frequent contact, still single, Bo launched a desperate quest to Anna. Anna remembered Bo past bit by bit, some heart. Anna is just guilty of the stomach, Bo door often visit to take care of Anna, plus, Anna seems to be getting back together with Bo was the kind of happiness. Bo said to bring Anna to go. Anna's heart trembled, and yearning. But in the end face of the honest and straightforward husband, the face of a pair of lovely children, Anna refused to Bo, choose her husband and children with simple and quiet life.
    The day went by so. Daughter Ann married and pregnant, the son of the wedding is approaching. As they age Gui to feel something strange body, intestines long foreign bodies, surgery confirmed if there are problems in the physical examination. He did not tell. Quietly get together to son's wedding and Anna confessed at home a lot of things. The Gui minds are at ease, and finally waiting for the next day and the final diagnosis of something to tell Anna.
    Couple nothing to fall back to the voices of the past decades, in a warm atmosphere, slowly sleep ...

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