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Story about《Ku Caihua / 苦菜花》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Ku Caihua / 苦菜花 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Chen Yi / Ruping / Hou /
    Storyline: According to Feng Deying novel adaptation. In 1937, the Jiaodong Peninsula Wang guanzhuang big landlords king of the sole occupation of a poor peasant the Ping Renyi home an acre of land. Feng refused to accept the find landlords reasoning, was beaten to death. Landlords afraid of Feng's son Degang trouble, wishing to charge people behind bars. Degang hearing the starry night to leave the king Xiaoguanzhuang fled to Kanto. Feng's wife, Feng aunt is kind, honest, timid, her husband's death, with a son, three daughters life very miserable. Revolutionary base areas in Shandong in 1940, the Japanese were crazy raids, heroic people of Shandong, under the leadership of the Communist Party, and the enemy tit for tat struggle. The Von aunt's daughter Juanzi come up with the shotgun, his father left to participate in the militia. Under the leadership of the underground person in charge of Jiang Yongquan, Wang guanzhuang farmers held in armed insurrection, to eradicate the Japanese puppet regime of the village, and execution of large landowners, traitor to the king only. Juanzi in the struggle to withstand the exercise, when on the Wang Xiaoguanzhuang the women to save the president. Feng aunt in the struggle to improve the awareness, in order to defend the fruits of victory, not only to support Juanzi to participate in the militia Da Guizi, and personally deliver the second son of Tak Keung participated in the Eighth Route Army. The Japanese invaders stepped up the base of the raid, assigned to the king only uncles and brothers, traitor Wang Jianzhi came Wang guanzhuang, clandestine activities to the identity of the primary school principals. District Women saved Association Zhaoxing Mei came to the Wang Jianzhi the activities of Wang guanzhuang survey also found work in the arsenal fiance De-Gang Feng aunt's eldest son, about her aunt to Feng De-Gang in the arsenal for the protection of machinery heroic sacrifice after. Feng aunt hold grief, secretly resolved to struggle against the Japanese contribution to a source of strength. According to the notice of the county, arsenal transfer to the king Xiaoguanzhuang, but because Wang Jianzhi informant, the enemy suddenly attacked Wang Xiaoguanzhuang. Feng aunt was arrested enemy Wang Jianzhi use desperate attempt to deceive the masses, in fact Wang Jianzhi the true face of the traitor has long been Xiaoguanzhuang king of party members and the masses to see through. Shot of the enemy is ready to mass Zhaoxing Mei to come forward, the cover of the masses, and finally killed by the enemy. Feng aunt to hold back the grief of their loved ones sacrifice, lead to the enemy minefields in an ambush, and killed two puppet. Enemies buried in the Arsenal machine from the mouth of Feng aunt where Feng aunt using a variety of sinister means to extract confessions, and even Feng aunt's daughter, sister-in-law captured and beaten, Feng aunt has been unyielding. Finally, the Eighth Route Army scored Xiaoguanzhuang, Tak Keung and village militia Feng aunt and her daughter rescued. After the exposure of the hidden traitor Wang Jianzhi militia to catch up too desperate, seeking Feng aunt put him a way out, Feng aunt mercilessly take up arms and killed Wang Jianzhi. In the struggle, the Von aunt's daughter Juanzi and Jiang Yongquan feelings. ...
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