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Story about《One million roses / 百万朵玫瑰》
    2003 Year Japan and Korean TV < One million roses / 百万朵玫瑰 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sun Taiying / Li Changxun /
    Storyline: parents remarried two brothers Youth Min contained no blood relationship ( Li Changxun played) and Hyun Kyu ( Jincheng Xiu plays ) , while fell in love with though his family was poor but cheerful playground staff Huilan ( Sun Taiying played) , between three people occurred as a series of emotional entanglements . Min contained excellent work , trust and extremely loved by the stepfather , but it has not loved by the grandmother , and thus he have apologized to his brother, Hyun Kyu . The character of the two brothers who fell in love with a woman . Huilan is always cheerful , strong playground management staff , the father did not care for the family and irresponsible , so she has been making money for his father to take care of the family . Min contained feel the Huilan the heart always towards Hyun Kyu and therefore worry . Know the Huilan the father with sensitive carrier brother , mother, Hyun Kyu death set off a bigger corrective
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