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Story about《Wang Zhaojun / 王昭君》
    2007 Year Chinese TV < Wang Zhaojun / 王昭君 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yang Mi / Liu Teh-kai /

    growth in pure glamorous Nelson percent owned by this part of Hubei Province, Shan girl Rosie child whose real name is Rosie child when the nutmeg Love through wild and lively trio heartfelt love: First, the juvenile Liangxiaowucai Qiang children hunter Huai Zhang too any percent owned by the magistrate before the elder brother of the Huai, the court generals to return home were allowed to shield.
    The Huai young Chaos intelligent but complacent Qiang children interested in the case, but hate its not Figure self Huai bloom went to Frontier army two people from this far apart just keep your mind.
    Zhang for the magistrate and the Merry-feed Rao because the right to get the situation worse Qiang children refused to.
    Wang shield due to came from the army to leave their homes just my heart still belongs Rosie child never to point out the more that parents have long been Qiang children and Huai with pro-blind withdrawal of care as love.
    Qiang children comes just as the Royal Palace beauty queen ordered a mighty glamorous freely selected.
    The king shield, Zhang is the care the two love each of its strokes in every possible way try to help Rosie child to escape the amulet. Qiang children in the three men each have "barriers" and "love" in the Health surprisingly read the emperor the man "at least some guts and leave his father, his mother his brother how to think" emotional to thrive decided to come forward should be to move the palace tuck court to be the trick.
    Qiang children palace renamed Zhaojun. Unexpectedly, the first was jealous of all the ladies suffered another Mao Yanshou below the belt more calculated by the Queen is not only unable to get to see the emperor in the palace anti-to be in one fell swoop consigned to limbo.
    33 BC Han Hungary dynasty were to be three hundred years of hostility tired desire to to summation raise its Chanyu the leader Huhanye into Han's visit to Emperor Yuan Ken said "willing to do the house of Han husband drew the handi married women and pro-Emperor Yuan Yue under generously swear.
    Queen unwilling to pro-women marrying to please Emperor Yuan in utero to look for her, "thanks to the princess body on behalf of the married St. Chao issued no one dared Zhaojun in limbo among the learned dead Dunqi decisively responded to the call.
    Frontier before Zhaojun before they may face from between are Longqi former Hun General Han Dynasty captured teacher learning Hungarian text Hungary vulgar see Yuandi Yuandi scared of its beauty, love their intelligence to reward the righteous cause of the desire to change his mind Liuzaishenbian Wei Fei. Wang Zhaojun an express moral principles feelings, "my daughter to live at home more than ten years, the final unmarried palace many years of hard surface monarch alone at this time Huhanye available Han Qiuqin daughter please marrying the date they have been to think Huhanye is the god of marriage made, to hear all Longqi Master said Hun feel more co-daughter mind so to my daughter not to marry Huhanye again when Jiashui it eventually convince Emperor Yuan married and moved away.
    Ning Hu cheek fat since Zhaojun as a pet Huhanye have the Huns Chanyu court Shen Dayi wisdom, courage and graciousness to accept Hungary popular dissemination of the Xi Han the auxiliary Wang feeding young the righting France evil to eliminate all the "rouge" single defuse the Shanyu brothers dispute the right of civil strife and hostility Concubine in the chaos of war experiences and nomadic migration has debt of gratitude the king shield, advised owned by Huai, rescue Zhang won the first of these three love her till the end Han men respect until Huhanye died, comply with Hun customs shift to marry the son of the passage of bit the complex strains tired Chanyu the Huhanye of having children a lifetime dedicated to the Han Hungary and pro.
    Zhaojun fifty years died Chanyu Court Hun erected for her lush grass tall graves on the mound, do not eat cattle and sheep, frost is not dead, year-round green long known as the "Tomb". Today two thousand men.

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