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Story about《The woman left the wedding dress / 剩女的嫁衣 / 谁能相倚》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < The woman left the wedding dress / 剩女的嫁衣 / 谁能相倚 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jin Yuting / Li Lin / Jia Yumeng / Feng Peng / Cao Lei /
    Storyline:32-year-old Zhang cocoa ( Jinyu Ting played) is a typical " remainder" in the upcoming on the eve of the wedding that her fiance Chen Lei ( played by Xu Ziqing ) derailed the duo broke up . The sudden blow to her deep embarrassment , a time she did not know how to deal with already announced that luxury wedding . At this point, cocoa encounter a dying father forced the IT elite horse yet ( decorated) Feng Peng . Ma parent ( Zhao Tieren plays ) as long as the horse is still married and quickly he was hospitalized , the horse is still helpless . Side is not the groom , but must be immediately held a wedding Zhang cocoa side is eager to marry horse yet still no girlfriend , the two met , hit it off , decided to each other "help" to flash marriage . Cocoa cousin Zhang Tutu ( Jiayu Meng ornaments ) against her hasty decision , cocoa disagree , that myself and horse still only held a wedding , not really married, and determined that " although each marriage can be successful , but as a woman If marriage is a failure . " Neat hearts feel fear and doubt the extreme practices of cocoa , while observing oneself , in fact, is not very optimistic , and she went behind her to the funeral home for all candidates to do a corpse beautician . Something that makes ordinary people is very difficult to accept employment . A funeral home is unable to complete the body deal with work sheets neat to the city hospital to find the young thoracic surgeons Guen Ci ( decorated) Cao Lei ask for help , they first met to get acquainted to each other by friction , and then alternate goodwill .
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