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Story about《Yu Tang big / 大浴堂》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < Yu Tang big / 大浴堂 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Liu Yuanyuan / Jia Yiping / Wang Xiaochen / Tao Zeru / Hu /

    's business war drama " Yu Tang " who is currently in Wuxi hot pie, the play by the famous directed by director Wang Wen-sheng , Hu Ke , the Tao Zeru , Jia Yiping strength of the actors co-starring , the play tells the Republican period, two centuries bath phoenix spring pool and Longquan pool , fighting each other to exact revenge . Hu In the play , the embodiment of the bathhouse female boss, and starred in the female lead Feng Quan Chi Tai- Yangliuqing . " Yu Tang " in the two opposing Fengquan pool and Longquan pool , fighting each other last a hundred years , Fung Springs pool treasurer of Mr. Yang's Lay Dying will be the treasurer for the pass and only daughter Yangliuqing . Yangliuqing to take over the treasurer of , has gone through her ​​husband betrayal of suicide , the relatives were killed by the new Japanese , being calculated to be misunderstood as traitors and other hardships still Supporter family business does not fall in the last national interests and family interests the moment Taichetaiwu , decided to use their own industry as bait to die with the Japanese , and completed a sublimation of the individual life . For this role , Hu can also jokes that he starred in the drama of a female boss open male bathhouse . Hu said the willow and before then played most of the roles is not the same, she is very decisive in dealing with things that the right thing to do is to insist that her break of a world environment in a patriarchal society , on his own , is a very powerful woman .

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