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Story about《Bestseller / 畅销书》
    2010 Year Horror movie < Bestseller / 畅销书 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Uhm / the Liucheng Long / Park Salang /

    living in Seoul the Bai Xixiu (the solemn floriation) is a fame of the beauty writer, but the At its peak, she was caught in plagiarism controversy has never recovered, career and family suffered a huge blow. Up to two years of silence, Hee show the spirit of the world almost collapsed . Publishers friend Cui edit unwilling to see her continue to sink, so to encourage the Xi show go to the the Gyeongbuk mountain villa to continue writing. Accepted the recommendation of friends, Hee show with her daughter research hee came to the villa. But she soon found that the atmosphere of the villa is exceptionally strange, research Hee seems to always speak to an invisible girl. Extreme fear and irrepressible curiosity prompted Hee show exploring the secrets of this house, and write novels.
    Soon Hee show for "The Abyss" come out, then a major on the list of best-selling book, followed once again into the plagiarism controversy. Hay show do not want to believe it, she decided to return to the villa, completely opened several decades ago were covered everything ...

    The Bai Xixiu was a very good best-selling author, rampant literary world for nearly a decade. However, once suspected of plagiarism, she will be brought to its knees, few works come out. To make matters worse, in addition to the cause of losing ground, her marital status is also a problem. The Bai Xixiu experience a blank period of two years of inactivity, she decided to regroup, trying to make a comeback Press, editor of an old friend encouraged. In order to maintain a good atmosphere for writing, Bai Xixiu came to the suburbs of the city an ancient private villa temporarily with her daughter Yeon Hee.
    The double villa era so long ago, always intermittent strange noises, the gradual emergence of suspicious signs of mold on the ceiling of the den. Even more surprised Hee show, daughter Yeon Hee seems to have a mysterious friend, she often heard the daughter of a man talking to himself, like the dialogue with someone. Atmosphere more and more strange.
    Hee show inadvertently create stuck a singular story on this villa to hear from her daughter there, she was simply this story into a novel. The novel was a success, Hee show has become a bestselling author. The new novel, however, soon found that the contents of the novel published 10 years ago, Hee show once again caught in plagiarism controversy. Hee show convinced that he did not plagiarize the work of others, and feel all the strange things are derived from the ancient and mysterious villa. She decided to unravel the mystery ...

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