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Story about《Date (Movie ) / 我们约会吧(电影)》
    2011 Year Love movie < Date (Movie ) / 我们约会吧(电影) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Dennis Wu / Annie Wu / liuweiwei / Wang Bojie / Li Mayfair / Cao Yuan / Sen / Ho Kyung / arduous tasks / Ma Jing Wu / Chen Xiang /
    Storyline: Apple television dating show " date " is all-powerful super- viewing program , but gradually encounter other television variety of malicious competition dating program , but also because the audience fatigued ratings decline, facing the crisis of the program off the air .
    Sheng Rong ,

    show producer , is facing a marital crisis , the cause of emotion the verge of collapse , Sheng Rong ready to Valentine's Day special program opportunities , the whole celebrity guest lineup one last shot .


    from the other sets new tone to the director , Jenny do not agree with the direction of the production of the special program , but he had given the task of inviting the second generation Lujia Sen . Believe in love Jenny and love scoff at the Lu Jiasen collision intense spark . In order to persuade Lu Jiasen to participate in the program , Jenny and his in a difficult emotional wrestling , one to two to get along , the two originally parallel lines will not intersect talks about closer and closer .

    Jenny 's cousin Gu Buddha musicians high Vatican agent , in order to promote high Vatican concert , Gu Buddha agreed to try to convince high Vatican on the program do the guests, high Vatican refused . The high Vatican has been self-willed self- care Buddha headache, but never puts him . Age and family pressure the Gu Buddha also had to consider starting their own future .

    Jane morning ,

    draft star salsa and director of the program group is a pair of loving couples , simple morning to salsa can be red , has been bent on concealing love, selfless , and even recommended her to participate in the hit shows to enhance the popularity ; Salsa in order to live up to the efforts of Jane Chen insisted .

    a few pairs of men and women for different purposes to the same program , about to face their ultimate destination of emotion ...

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