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Story about《Lock the U.S. Special Envoy / 锁定美军特使》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Lock the U.S. Special Envoy / 锁定美军特使 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Xu Honghao / Li Yi Xiang / Rong Yang / FENG Guo-qing / Xiaohu / life and death rescue /
    Storyline: lock the U.S. special envoy talking about the Anti-Japanese War New Fourth Army and the Kuomintang troops shoulder a special mission. First rescue Flying Tigers pilots to master the military secrets , Zheng Dayong led New Fourth Army , the and Wangjiang Yi led the KMT rescue team to expand the competition , but experienced numerous difficulties , two of this rival troops from suspicion to trust , mutual rivalry to cooperation . "Lock the U.S. special envoy " to show a very years , some tragic fighting, gunfire into friendship, love on the line between life .

    Upon receipt of the rescue command of the Flying Tigers pilots , led by company commander Zheng Dayong New Fourth Army rescue team went to the most dangerous area while Kuomintang officer Wangjiang Yi also received the same task , but the rescue U.S. soldiers to master military secrets, Wang Jiangyi certain To grab the rescue success in the New Fourth Army front . Start two special mission forces suspicious of each other , always competing with . However, facing a common enemy , the Japanese invaders , and patriotism so that they form a Band of Brothers, to end their life and death . Dangers, Zheng Dayong and Wang Jiangyi generous justice to complete the final task . Gu rain in the early 20s , the New Fourth Army south detachment hygienist , beautiful , kind-hearted , subtle and naturally easy-going , but soft on the outside . She stepped in, even march with Zheng Dayong , become army hygienists . After the rescue to Robert , her take care of the important task for Robert . The face of Robert 's bold pursuit and confession , her gratitude, but her heart really like Zheng Dayong . Special circumstances , almost so she can not have love . At the last moment , she was brought to the aircraft, but watched Zheng Dayong fall in gunfire ...
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