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Story about《Premarital Express / 婚前特急》
    2011 Year Comedy movie < Premarital Express / 婚前特急 >
    Director: /
    Stars:guitar high by Yuriko / Ryo Kase / Hamamatsu wild Qian too of /

    24-year-old , white-collar girl pool Chieko is a skilled use of time , her ease and five men contacts : problems at work want to talk to find tolerance , married , want to travel to find the older and more gold , want to get the consolation to find cute young , want to cool one to find the boot of the car , casual look for stiff . "Life must be efficient use of limited time, and all kinds of people together to experience a variety of things to make a profit !"
    Chieko has been having a good time , did not move the idea of marriage . However , by the touch of friends sensitive sub- family , she was ready to choose a " real thing " to settle down . After careful analysis , Chieko decided to first get rid of the least five boyfriend strengths Tanashi . She came to Tian bread factory , to break off . The Tanashi strange asked : "We had no contacts ah ?" Do the authors but I was dumped ? ! Both scared and angry of Chieko decided to retaliate Tanashi . She thought for a variety of ways , but failed to successfully implement the meantime, she and her boyfriend their relationship to a crisis .
    Final Chieko able to find the right person to be happy ?

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