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Story about《Jarhead / 锅盖头 / 平头日记》
    2005 Year War movie < Jarhead / 锅盖头 / 平头日记 >
    Director:Sam Mendes /
    Stars:Jake Gyllenhaal / Scott MacDonald / Peter Sargaard / Jamie Foxx / Ming Lo / Lucas Black / Kevin Foster / Brian Geraghty / Damion Poitier / Riad Galayini / Craig Coyne / Katherine Randolph / Rini Bell / Dendrie Taylor / James Morrison /

    Based on former Marine Anthony Swofford's best-selling 2003 book about his pre-Desert Storm experiences in Saudi Arabia and about his experiences fighting in Kuwait.
    Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a Camus-reading kid from Sacramento, enlists in the Marines in the late 1980s. He malinger during boot camp, but makes it through as a sniper, paired with the usually-reliable Troy. The Gulf War breaks out, and his unit goes to Saudi Arabia for Desert Shield. After 175 days of boredom, adrenaline, heat, worry about his girlfriend finding someone else, losing it and nearly killing a mate, demotion, latrine cleaning, faulty gas masks, and desert football, Desert Storm begin. In less than five days, it's over, but not before Swoff sees burned bodies, flaming oil derricks, an oil-drenched hore, and maybe a chance at killing. Where does all the testosterone go?

     "Jarhead , "the best image of the US Marines the call. Film is based on Anthony Swofford 's best-selling Gulf War memoirs two years ago, adapted from the mouth of a fortunate safely returned from the Gulf on the battlefield, Marines about the US as the main multinational force against Iraq encounter of the war and siege. In early 1991, the famous "Desert Storm" operation around the corner, the military bases of the US Marine Corps stationed in Saudi Arabia to accept the cruel pre-war training. Soldiers experience Siwo Fu (Jake Gyllenhaal) in just three short years as a special reconnaissance platoon snipers endured never imagined the training, as well as adaptability to dry environments of West Asia temper. Ordinary infantry, snipers often have to accept a more stringent test. For they were about to face the enemy, they know almost nothing about, even also not understand the reason expedition to Western Asia. Sergeant Major Saiji Si (Jamie Foxx) is a typical professional soldier, soldiers, on their own have an iron-clad the stringent requirements. The war, he came to be responsible for special reconnaissance platoon behalf to the Kuwait theater to perform a specific task. Before their departure, he will as in the past even more than the past every training strength training these soldiers., Se Jisi mind is clear, the US military expedition in the Gulf region has a special meaning ...

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