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Story about《With the devil counterparts / 与魔鬼同行》
    2011 Year Action movie < With the devil counterparts / 与魔鬼同行 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Harrison Ford / Brad Pitt / Lubin · Blaze /
    Storyline: France ( Brad Pitt decoration) is a member of the Northern Ireland IRA engaged in work against the British government forces with some like - minded partners in the Northern Ireland capital of Belfast. In a task, he and his colleagues have been betrayed, arrested and jailed. Due prison torture handcuffed to play, thus absconded from prison. The assistance of the Northern Ireland supporters, judge Peter France pseudonym Luoyi Dan Giovanni, fled to New York, USA, stays at home without the knowledge of police soup Muoumeila (Harrison Ford), and continue to secretly engaged in missile illegal trade in used to fight the British army. Knowledge of the Roy's past, Tom and his wife, Sheila Roy to are welcome. Soon, Roy will meet with pals Sean, two possible solutions, and how the missiles shipped to the United States, Judge Peter also raise money for them. But slowly Roy fell in love with Tom's family and friends in New York, he began to struggle in the new future and the past. One night, three masked men sneaked into the Tom home, Roy suddenly appeared and repel intruders, Sheila called the police, but when the police arrived, Roy quietly escape. Roy looked at escape, Tom began to suspect that Roy is concerned in this matter. Roy returned home, Tom Yanchi it is not , Roy decided at All costs , say goodbye to the past ...
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