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Story about《Lease Wife / 租期 / 租妻》
    2006 Year Story movie < Lease Wife / 租期 / 租妻 >
    Director:Xuechang Lu /
    Stars:Jiaxuan Li / Yueming Pan /
    Storyline:Guo Jiaju do companies collapse , and his girlfriend also took the opportunity to run . Ka-kui father was dying , dying before witnessed his son back to his rural home with a daughter-in-law , and Ka-kui had rented karaoke Miss Lily posing as his fiancee . Joyous to his father , Ka-kui , and Lily wedding . After the wedding, Lily to take a walk outside the village , saw a crazy girl . Ka-kui 's niece vanilla like Lily , would like to ask her to bring their own city to find work , but Ka-kui stop Lily and vanilla contact . Vanilla come home to find Lily to play Lily dressed up to her , asked about the crazy girl , vanilla told her that mad girl in town lady, and her money to cover the room to the family , married a daughter to his brother , but the village people say that she in the town tramp, dirty money , does not want her to come back . Lily stunned to hear , Guo Jiaju home to see the vanilla and powdered cursed Lily , Lily Xiufen extreme , she broke to feel the the Jiaju bones of her contempt . Lily hanging on to the coach, Guo Jiaju rushed up , took Lily to go down and touched the two with the debt collection people to return home two hands beat Ka-kui , and Ka-kui of a finger to be cut down , the critical moment of Lily come up with their own bank card saved Ka-kui . A year later, Guo Jiaju already stand up , he owed ​​Lily of $ 100,000 have been gradually sinks into the card number of the Lily , but he still can not find Lily . Three years after the day he and his pregnant Lily at a traffic light junction , but still did not meet
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