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cartoon Usavich / ウサビッチ / 越狱兔 / 监狱兔 / 基情兔 / 普京兔和基里连科兔的监狱生活Video Download url:
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Story about《Usavich / ウサビッチ / 越狱兔 / 监狱兔 / 基情兔 / 普京兔和基里连科兔的监狱生活》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < Usavich / ウサビッチ / 越狱兔 / 监狱兔 / 基情兔 / 普京兔和基里连科兔的监狱生活 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ueno ceremony /
    Storyline:The story revolves around two in the prison in the Soviet Union in 1961 Rabbit & P Beijing and base Lian lek . The story in prison in the first quarter of the previous day the Putin sentence expired , the base Lim Lek limited edition canvas shoes on sale soon in a magazine and decided to escape Putin somehow keep pace . In the second quarter is that they are sitting in the stolen car escape what happened . The third quarter is about them fled to the city they live in , to enter a store intends to purchase the limited edition canvas shoes , the store owner has repeatedly obstructed the base Lian lek buy canvas shoes , about the base Lian lek and the shop owner between its story of canvas shoes to match wits . The film has no dialogue , but there are some breathing , call voice .
    Prison rabbit ( Bldgッチ, the Japanese ︰ウサEnglish ︰ Usavich ) produced Kanaban Graphics 3D animated short comedy . First, a total of 26 episodes in the second quarter , an intensive 90 seconds . Continue to play in the third quarter in October 2008
    Prison Rabbit " October 8, 2007 , MTV JAPAN MTV Flasher acts as hours per week on Monday, Japan time 24 hours 55 minutes play . Selected Agency for Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival short animation award in 2006 , selected for the Ottawa International Animation Film Festival, adult-oriented animated TV Award in 2007 .
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