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Story about《Heroes season 3 / 英雄第3季》
    2011 Year European American TV < Heroes season 3 / 英雄第3季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:the Hayden / Panettiere / Masi /
    Storyline: Synopsis : NATHAN in the second quarter shot ( to the third quarter near the end of PETER open gun PETER use , because he came back from the future to prevent his brother announced that the companies and their batch of people who have super- human , as announced after everyone wants to get their super powers , leaving them every day, living a fugitive like life) , and later own blood for the second save his brother. SYLER in this season more difficult to deal with , as he received the ability of the Unreal scene , he is constantly looking for people with super powers and super powers from them . The company not only developed to prevent their super-powers of drugs , developed a copy of their ability to drugs , and finally get a ( new entrants ) to do experiments , and finally have the ability to repair itself , the strange forces fighting capacity , discharge capacity . With HIRO , PETER , NATHAN , police there Dr. to discuss the seize SYLER method , but also to prevent and undermine the company's super- replication capacity planning - the end of the film introduces the code ->
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