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Story about《The Wan Phoenix King of Cantonese / 万凰之王 粤语》
    2011 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < The Wan Phoenix King of Cantonese / 万凰之王 粤语 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jessica / Myolie / Aaron / Chen Shancong / Nancy Wu /
    Storyline: Manchu Dynasty , which lasted 260 years , was elected to the Palace show women more than million people when the concubines of 173 , only 28 when the Queen . However, in the harem struggle to come to the fore , came to power peak Wan Huang queen , but also whether they crossed the same track , out of a different life ?

    facing death and commitment to perfection

    Just as the reign of Emperor Daoguang ( Aaron ornaments ) volumes Li Tong Jia Yuan Wan (Myolie Wu ornaments ) become the day of the Queen , received the Queen Mother Zhala Fen ( ornaments Gigi Wong ) requirements for the husband, Mu Prince Mian Yi tombs button cobalt green Elan ( Jessica ornaments ) for help, dynasty , abandoned under all rushed to the rescue , to introduce legislation to Elan for the whole Princess . The Queen Mother on the dynasty, it was very much shocked , and the empress felt face no deposit , determined that it has to Princess revenge . A harem war on this opening !
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