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Story about《Knight iron bridge three / 武状元铁桥三》
    1993 Year Action movie < Knight iron bridge three / 武状元铁桥三 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Fennie Yuen / leaves the whole truth / Li Lili /
    Storyline: Asan desperate the Cthulhu accounted Edward kill white , momentary fame , " Iron Bridge " The name spread like wildfire . The Asan Samaritan rescued had been assassinated by the Muslim Prince Lin . Mu Prince Children An Gege A three fell in love with . Prince Mu furious placed Banquet attempting to use so the assassination of Lin . After some twists and turns , with the exception of Guan Yunfeng to save the mother killed , the rest can all pull through . Formatting love Asan, but learned that he and Kocho has been marriage was sadly retired . Off after the death of the prefect of Customs official position vacancies . The Zexu force held Asan go Fukao , the Asan Injured generously decided to go .
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