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Story about《After The Situ really a house and two fire / 一屋两火》
    2003 Year Comedy movie < After The Situ really a house and two fire / 一屋两火 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Downing / Ma Hailun / Sam Lee / Limei Qi / Terence /
    Storyline: immigration Japan for many years , resigned after being fired back to Hong Kong . Shinichi in Sai Kung to find , a village house living , roommate , a tenant Ka children . But gradually he was the the Ka child grotesque behavior nuisance was unable to sleep , and often see things evil spirits in the house . Look more to tell really a house had a suicide incident , strange things may be related to this . One was really scared heart gall bladder breaks the night to move out of this village house . Really ready to aunt 's home in temporary , but regardless of his cousin set a trap to this poor wretch get rid of Watson . Really had to find a good friend Xiaowei think of ways to analysis under the suspicion of the day in the rental of all ghost thing , all homeowners to see more and Ka children conspire to do him out and defrauding he paid the deposit . Shinichi and Xiaowei back to rental search of evidence , on the spot exposed the homeowners , who deceive others . Really a set up under the ruse , Ka children scared to death , the Ka child actually can not stand the stimulation caused by being scared into dementia . Shinichi feel very guilty and decided to stay to take care of her until she recovered so far . Shinichi 's girlfriend Grace come from Japan , the real one will tell her children Kerry thing . Grace jealousy greatly increased , with her back to Japan to really thirteen days , otherwise it would break up with him . In fact , during this period , Shinichi Ka children grow out of deep love . Shinichi buried in the hearts of love to the Kerry children tell a hope to make Ka children improved over , but unfortunately, Ka children really a speech is still indifferent ...
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