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Story about《Antarctica / 南极大陆》
    2011 Year Japan and Korean TV < Antarctica / 南极大陆 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Takuya Kimura / Masahiro Motoki / Ayase Haruka /
    Storyline: TBS, start the 60th anniversary of the drama series " Antarctica : Challenges shenzhilingyu of man and dog story ( tentatively ). " The story recounts the first Japanese Antarctic wintering team in 1956 and 19 - dog story , Takuya Kimura played the vice captain , will be taken seven months , but production also takes into account the Antarctic on location .

    Takuya Kimura played the character set released in 1983 and the popular film " Antarctica " , played by Ken Takakura , figures very similar , " Antarctica " around after the defeat of Japan to rediscover his confidence developed national plans for the theme , Kuramochi the Yuezhi vice captain tells Takuya Kimura played starting in 1956 to the Antarctic , and work with dogs again touching story , and this is Takuya Kimura again after the Prime Minister , spyware , and brain scientists have a new attempt .

    Play as the works of the 60th anniversary of the TBS start , television put a lot of money produced , said: "Although the specific amount can not be disclosed , but this is by far the largest producer Ishimaru Chang -yin . " Starred in the play are Sakai Masato Yamamoto Yusuke , Terajima , Ogata Naoto Shibata Christine soldiers , and Kagawa Teruyuki and other famous actors , Takuya Kimura also look forward to and they meet at the shooting scene .
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