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Story about《Sands Villa / บ้าน ทรายทอง / 金沙别墅》
    2011 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < Sands Villa / บ้าน ทรายทอง / 金沙别墅 >
    Director:= Sripen /
    Stars:Rinlanee Sripen (Joy) /
    Storyline:Joy is a student living in rural areas. Those who are sick before the death of her father gave her diary and told Joy to the big city to catch the famous Sands Villa aunt to live with. Joy's father wrote a letter to his sister hope she can help Joy's academic, but Joy's aunt was not happy. Joy packed my things ready to go to my aunt. This aroused the jealousy of the sister of Joy, her father loved Joy is better than himself, and Joy always get the best. Joy to Dajin Sha Villa, when everyone is right she is very bad, especially the Num sister Ying Lek and her mother (also Joy's aunt) and even servants. They treat her as if she were nowhere to shelter the poor girl forced to came to the Sands villas. The only the Num sister and brother Chai Noi good for Joy. Joy to live together in a small house with ChaiNoi and his care. Joy is very close with Chai Noi of Chai Noi too bad, his mother because the child's disability rather than admit that he is his own son. Joy read his father's diary, discovered that in fact the Sands villas are his father and now own. Everyone Joy is not good, but she did not tell anyone mentioned the villa the question of attribution. Next to the house one day, Joy saw an old woman. Joy thought they saw a ghost, because of fear of Joy on the run, hit the Num. A few days later, Joy is sick, Joy's aunt was unwilling to find a doctor to her doctor. Because of concerns by Joy Chai Noi find the Num, last Num Joy sent to the hospital. The Num go to the hospital to visit the Joy, Joy is not in deep sleep is to have friends come to visit. By chance, Num read the diary of Joy, he found the story behind the Sands villas. Num decided henceforth Joy as a family member living in the villa. When Joy was discharged, she intends to leave the Sands villas, because she could no longer stand surrounded by the group mean. Joy also very surprised and could not understand why Num intention of letting her live in the big house. With Joy Joy ready to leave when the Num a conversation, in fact, more should be said that a quarrel, but the result is to satisfy everyone, Num decided to afford all expenses of Joy in the school. Initiative with Num Num unexpected work abroad, Ying Lek said she was willing to date back until the Num, Num accepted the proposal of the sister for the the the Num burden of taking care of Joy's responsibilities. Ying Lek ill-wishers, she introduced Joy to recognize a group of bad boys expect to make Joy lost her virginity, but without success. Later, Joy drop out of school because you want to start working, Joy's aunt accused Joy to spend the money of the Num. Ying Lek has a boyfriend Tun, Thom, and has been engaged, but now a good friend of the Num Tun Thom fell in love with Joy. Tun Thom intend to lift with Ying Lek's engagement and marriage with Joy To this end Ying Lek Joy more resentment. Num's grandfather died, everyone knows that the true ownership of the Sands villas owned by Joy. But Joy does not want to have a house, she gave the house on the Num. Num finally back to the Sands villas that day Joy because of the mother's letter had to get home as soon as possible. Home the Num brought a gift to each person, of course, give Joy a beautiful necklace. The lack of courage in person to the necklace Joy, so Num please sister help him to send gifts to by Joy, but her sister refused, she thought that the gift should be sent to by Joy by Num. At the same time my sister also told the Num: Joy dropped out of school. A few days later, Tun Thom came to tell the Num he fell in love with Joy and talk to her marriage. Num decided to go to Joy's home to find her. Joy home, she is very disappointed, my brother is a father still not married, and my sister any connection with a man ran away, the mother insisted on Joy to marry the town's richest person. Meeting of the Joy with this rich man, Num. Num arrival of Joy is very happy, but then allows the Num and Joy said Joy very depressed. Joy found Num is not to see themselves from, but merely to tell by Joy Tun, Thom, want to Joy married Joy dropped out of school very disappointed. Num Joy said Sands villa should belong to her, do not need to Joy poor, leaving the Sands villas also does not matter. Finally, Joy returned to the Sands villas, she finally realized that their love to just the Num, but at this moment she does not want to miss. The Num think Joy's return in order to marry with Tun Thom The next day Tun Thom, and look forward to Joy to give him an answer at the same time a male friend of Joy's Nakun to his confession with Joy. So, at the Sands villas there are three boys waiting for Joy to give them an answer. Joy answers the sister of the Num Num necklace bought for Joy to the hands of Joy Tun, Thom,, Joy told him, love him like love their brothers. On Nakun Joy told him that the friendship between the two only friends. This is the one the Num most depressing day, he thinks that Joy will be agreed Tun Thom courtship. Finally Joy told Num, love him one. Wedding day, Potjanee (Joy's sister) suddenly appeared at the wedding, she is now Ying Oom (Joy's friend) house servants message so we know Joy married. After the wedding, the Potjanee began to create trouble, she tries to seduce the Num. Num mother also began to spread rumors that the the Num reason why marriage with Joy not because love her just to be able to stay at the Sands villas. These really let Joy is very sad because Num never said to himself those three words. Num think there are some things simply do not say, all behavior proved how love Joy. Because Num mother's sake, the Num younger brother Chai Noi died. With his death, many things change too. Num's mother realized their error and, ultimately, to accept Joy for their own daughter. Num is also finally on Joy say those three words. Ying Lek, she married, but her husband was illegal and was put in prison. A good friend of Joy Ying Oom is married with Tun Thom, a good friend of Num. (
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