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Story about《Avenger / 复仇者》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Avenger / 复仇者 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yisha / Bai Yi / Tuesday gross /
    Storyline: the mid-eighties of the last century , Zhou Weiguo and his wife Feng Xuemei opened a small street restaurants , becoming then a few million households. But the surface of the scenery of the Zhou trouble is not known to outsiders . Zhou Weiguo is the only son of three generations of a single pass , the greatest aspiration of weeks mother is Xuemei Zhou Jiasheng two grandchildren continue the family line . But why two people married for five years has not happened , this week Mom and Xuemei -law and directly fuse . Zhou Weiguo secretly comforted the Xuemei not care too much , but the Xuemei still think we feel guilty , Zhou devote as compensation . Zhou Weiguo hear Sichuan , is the mainstay of the loyal fans of the dragon and phoenix in the Sichuan Opera Troupe . First performed in the Dragon and was booed by the audience, small fry, and the words take liberties with Zhou Weiguo to come forward , the plan has lead to the contradiction of the dragon and phoenix and her husband Li . Li died in an accident , but rumors outside can not tolerate the Dragon and the affair committed suicide . Suffering from the weight of dragon and phoenix , Zhou Weiguo sense of justice Xiangbang , but caused Xuemei misunderstanding , filed for divorce under the impulse . Xuemei return home after the divorce , not long before even find themselves with child , full of thought that the problem has been resolved between himself and Zhou Weiguo , happily to the city intends to tell him the good news , but did not expect just encountered Zhou Weiguo and Dragon and Phoenix wedding , had sadly gone . Zhou Weiguo without the knowledge of the case , Xuemei gave birth to a son and daughter. But the dragon and phoenix but as a result of a miscarriage , completely lost the ability to bear children for Zhou . Fortunately , the dragon and phoenix daughter , Xiao- behaved sensible , family is pretty enjoyable .
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