Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV Toshiie pine / Kaga million stone Story / 利家与松/加贺百万石物语
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Story about《Toshiie pine / Kaga million stone Story / 利家与松/加贺百万石物语》
    2002 Year Japan and Korean TV < Toshiie pine / Kaga million stone Story / 利家与松/加贺百万石物语 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Matsushima Nanako / Toshiaki Karasawa / Takashi Sorimachi / Yutaka Takenouchi /
    Storyline: many people going to developing countries in order to unify the country , making the country into a chaos of the Warring States period , but there is a perseverance of men and affection Kennedy really female . In the Warring States era drama , describing the Owari . Shortage of child Santo son, Maeda family ( Toshiaki Karasawa ) and his wife Song ( Matsushima Nanako ) , the couple then constantly in a troubled world with the masters of movement, but also constructed to stick to the two families , several times and the crisis saved the day, in addition to courage , resourcefulness and luck outside , but also because they have Shurei better than others , integrity , honest attitude so that they can through the many obstacles .
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