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Story about《Watashi tachi no kyôkasho / わたしたちの教科書 / 我们的教科书》
    2007 Year Japan and Korean TV < Watashi tachi no kyôkasho / わたしたちの教科書 / 我们的教科书 >
    Director:Kawake Shunsaku / Hayama Hiroki /
    Stars:Kanno Miho / Ito Atsushi / Tanihara Shosuke / Shida Mirai / Maki Yoko / Fubuki Jun /
    Storyline:Tamako, an elite lawyer with a promising future, works for a reputable law firm. She is recently given an opportunity to take a case involving a young child who has been bullied at a local elementary school. Fully aware of the difficulties uncovering the truth in cases involving schools, Tamako is reluctant to proceed with her new client. Tamako is romantically involved with one of her colleagues, Naoyuki, and is hoping to further develop their relationship. However, Tamako's seemingly happy life comes to a sudden halt when she learns the news of an accident involving a young female high school student named Asuka. Asuka had apparently fallen from a classroom window on campus and suffered serious injuries. Tamako takes a strong interest in Asuka's case and immediately launches her own private investigation.
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